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Chinese translation for "termination of the contract"


Related Translations:
self termination:  自发终止
trail termination:  路径终端
termination equipment:  终端设备
termination stage:  终结期
chain termination:  链终止作用链终止反应
termination circuit:  终端电路
program termination:  程序的终止程序终止
termination schedule:  解约附表
parallel termination:  并联端接
termination flange:  接口法兰
Example Sentences:
1.On the system of termination of the contract in picc
2.Release letter from current employer showing the date of expiry termination of the contract
3.Effective date and duration of the contract , and procedures for amendment and termination of the contract
4.In addition , a release letter from the current employer showing the date of expiry termination of the contract is required
5.This ruling will apply with effect from the year of assessment 2004 2005 , up to the termination of the contract processing agreement
本裁定由2004 2005课税年度起适用,直至来料加工合同终止。
6.If the force majeure event lasts over 120 days , both parties shall negotiate the performance or the termination of the contract
7.This article 14 . 3 is not applicable if termination of the contract is due to company for other reasons than the ones covered by article 14 and article 15
若由于其它原因而非本合同第14条和第15条解除本合同的,不适用本合同第14 . 3条。
8.In the event that a contract of employment is terminated , the employer shall settle the wage payment fully upon the release or termination of the contract of employment
9.In the event that a contract of employment is terminated , the employer shall settle the wage payment fully upon the release or termination of the contract of employment
10.But the director of immigration would take into account the unused balance if an employer submits a new application within 4 months of the termination of the contract
Similar Words:
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